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Buchanan Blogger

Metro Council Approved Historic Overlay for Buchanan Log House and Buchanan Family Cemetery

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

The Nashville Metropolitan Council has approved a request to apply a Historic Landmark Overlay District for the Buchanan Log House Property and the Buchanan Family Cemetery at 2910 and 2901 Elm Hill Pike, respectively, providing an additional layer of protection to both properties.

A historic overlay district is a layer of local planning regulation in the United States that incorporates the restrictions of the underlying zoning for a given geographic area to preserve the historic character of the area. The process for applying the overlay to both properties began with a public hearing before the Metro Historic Zoning Commission in early December followed by a public hearing before the Metro Planning Commission. The overlay was sponsored by Metro Council Members Kevin Rhoten and Jeff Syracuse.

Going forward, any repairs or changes planned for the structures on both the Buchanan Log House property and the Buchanan Family Cemetery will first need to be submitted and approved by staff or, if necessary, the Metro Historic Zoning Commission.

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Unknown member
Mar 23, 2023

I would like to introduce myself as Butch east my great aunt Lucinda is James Buchanans wife .she had all those children. I wanted to know if you are having another picnic this year.

Unknown member
Mar 31, 2023
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So glad to know about your connection to Lucinda and James. We are having our annual festival and fish fry on Saturday, June 3.

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